Lucky Star 21

Blogged by on Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 at 3:08 am in Anime (spoilers), English | 0 Comments »

Wait… what ? didn’t Lucky Star end already ? There was even a post about it already…

yeah but heh… a.f.k. just released their release of the 21th episode, so it makes a good reason to watch this great episode again, the one with the school trip to Nara and Kyoto.

Even when Miyuki is speaking, Kagamin can’t take her eyes off Kona-chan.

Patty got a little appearance in this episode. I hope she will get more screentime if there is a second season. The manga totally ignores her, sadly. :/

Hiyorin’s only appearance was win.

After she saw Tsukasa being nearly raped by a bunch of deers, Konata lures Kagamin because she wants to be raped by her… am I wrong ?

As I said in the previous post about Lucky Star, Konata was the only one who noticed Kagamin’s change of attitude.

This scene was very painful for me to watch.

We love Kagamei.

The previous comment says everything, I guess.



Dennou Coil 13, Seto no Hanayome 26 (END)

Blogged by on Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 at 6:15 am in Anime (spoilers), English | 0 Comments »

Dennou Coil 13, great episode again. Fumie-chan rocks <3

Last episode of Gurren Lagann was epic, but last episode of Seto no Hanayome was quite epic too. XD

I noticed that I didn’t even post any screenshots of Akeno, aka the “Nayamashi Banchou”, in the previous Seto no Hanayome post, even though she’s my second favorite. Old-fashionned kendoka girls à la Motoko (Love Hina) always rock.

Delicious Maki, Masa-san, and Shark Fujishiro, the kick-ass trio.

Overally, it was a pretty funny show. Sometimes a little too crazy, but it had also some hilarious moments and parodies.



Gurren Lagann (episodes 1 ~ 27 END)

Blogged by on Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 at 4:59 am in Anime (spoilers), English | 0 Comments »

Short summary : In a world where people lives underground, Simon, a digger, finds a mysterious robot head. When he’s about to show his find to Kamina, a guy who dreams to go on the surface, a giant robot and a girl fighting against it fall down in Simon’s village.

Honestly, what can I say about this show ?

Best show of 2007, period.

I must confess that if I started to watch this show, it’s only because I saw some Yoko fanarts. ‘Cause actually, I hate mecha animes. But after watching the 3 first episodes straight, I could say one thing : before being a mecha anime, this show is firstly an awesome anime. Just like Escaflowne. It has mecha, but you just don’t think about it ’cause the show is just too fuckin great.

Also, Kamina : coolest male character I saw in my life.

Epic. You can summarize this show by this word. Dunno why, but the more it became “exaggerated”, the more it was exciting and great to watch. I truly enjoyed seeing the main characters becoming more and more powerful, and kicking everybody’s ass in some gigantic fights. And it got a great and “real” ending, so I’m fully satisfied with this show and, rather than feeling empty that it finished, I’m happy that I could see such a great show.

Yoko, the hot gunman. She is awesomely kick-ass. I would have never watched this show if I didn’t see so much fanarts of her. Well I didn’t know she was 14 though. XD

We shed manly tears.

Nia, the ultimate loveness, dubbed by the extremly graceful voice of Sarah Adiemus’s seiyuu (Yukari Fukui). The first encounter between Simon and Nia will be I think one of my favorite moments in anime history.

Obligatory beach episode. More Nia.

A short-haired Nia is fine too.

Darry, she was the #1 girl of the show for some episodes. She’s cool, serious, mature and totally rocks. Moreover, she’s dubbed by Shizuka Itou (Akiha-sama/Hinagiku).

Man, I should be ashamed for flooding this post with Nia fanservice, and for not taking more screenshots of the other characters or some of the awesome scenes. But really, the show was so captivating that I didn’t even think of taking screenshots…

A real man won’t die even if he’s killed.



Hayata no Gotoku 25 & 26

Blogged by on Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 at 12:29 am in Anime (spoilers), English | 0 Comments »

(typo intended)

Isumi is awesome.

Ayumu-oujou-sama <3

2 nice episodes, but Hinagiku was nowhere to be seen…


ps : this post is a good exemple of what the anime posts were supposed to look like at first… >_<


Legend of Foresia (Blaze & Blade)

Blogged by on Monday October 1st, 2007 at 5:36 am in Français, Games, Youtubes | 0 Comments »

Il y a un RPG que tous les “puristes” s’accordent à qualifier de “pire RPG de tous les temps” : Legend of Foresia, ou Blaze & Blade hors-pays francophones, sorti en 98 sur PS1 et PC.

Mais bon, moi les puristes je leur chie dans le cou, Foresia est un de mes jeux cultes. Je l’ai kiffé dès les premières minutes, j’y ai même joué autant qu’un Final Fantasy, collecté 99 Ecus du Destin pour avoir la meilleure arme, et même, et ça je dois etre un des seuls au monde, fini le jeu.

C’est vrai que je dois avouer que si j’aime ce jeu, c’est peut-etre plus pour “ce qu’il aurait pu être” plutot que pour ce qu’il est vraiment. Foresia est un mix “parfait” entre l’action-RPG à la japonaise style Secret of Mana, et le RPG occidental non-linéaire style Baldur’s Gate et tous les jeux tirés de Dungeons & Dragons. En plus, il est jouable à 4 simultanément, et on peut créer son équipe librement parmi 16 persos stylés “manga”, répartis en 8 classes (guerrier, voleur, nain, magicien, etc) et des 2 sexes. Il possède aussi une excellente durée de vie, avec des donjons qui laissent apparaitre de nouveaux secrets une fois le niveau d’experience plus elevé.

Mais voilà, c’est sans compter sur un nombre hallucinant de défauts : 3D immonde, jouabilité atroce, impossibilté d’échanger des objets de l’inventaire entre les persos (autrement que par un systeme inutile d’enchères), seuls le(la) Guerrier(re) et le(la) Nain(e) peuvent survivre aux attaques d’un boss ou d’un monstre un peu trop fort, 3 blocs de sauvegardes par persos (donc 12 pour une partie !), et j’en passe… mais bon c’est ce qui fait son charme aussi.

Un autre détail amusant/consternant (rayez la mention inutile) : alors que de veritable chefs-d’oeuvre du RPG ne sont jamais arrivé en France (Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, et autres), ou bien beneficie d’une traduction déplorable (FF7) quand ils ne sont pas carrement laissés en anglais, Foresia lui beneficie d’une traduction française EXCEPTIONNELLE (et là je vanne pas ^^; ).

Lors de la création du personnage, à defaut de pouvoir modifier son physique, on peut choisir sa personnalité, et ça c’est totalement inédit dans un RPG. Et donc la traduction française rend très bien les 8 différents styles de language (Neutre, Courtois, Suranné, Enfantin, Excité, Flegmatique, Direct et Taciturne; à noter que le style “Excité” est un style caillera XD ), qui en plus diffèrent selon si le personnage est masculin ou féminin (oui avec les -e à la fin et tout, ceux qui ont la même experience que moi des jeux savent que c’est assez “exceptionnel” quand on compare avec les jeux de l’époque), ce qui nous donne 16 styles. Mieux encore, les PNJ aussi vous parlent en tenant compte de votre sexe et classe (mention spéciale au dernier boss qui a fait du gringue à ma guerrière avant le combat final).

Vraiment j’ai pris mon pied avec ce jeu.

Enfin bref, tout ça pour introduire la vidéo du jour : l’intro française du jeu, tout juste rippée par moi-même avec amour de mon propre jeu, et qui est “culte” à sa façon aussi grace à son magnifique doublage (mention spéciale pour le Guerrier).

Legend of Foresia – French Intro

Ok, c’est parti ! En route pour de nouvelles aventures !



Kaibutsu Oujo (episodes 1 ~ 25 END)

Blogged by on Monday October 1st, 2007 at 3:55 am in Anime (spoilers), English | 0 Comments »

Short summary : A guy has to move in a old mansion where his sister is working as a maid. On the way, he dies when saving a blonde woman from an accident. He wakes up later in a morgue, resurrected by the blonde woman who granted him immortal life and made him her servant.

Watched the “last” episode yesterday. It was a decent show, though being kinda typical. The main guy sucked, but the girls were quite kick-ass (I guess it’s the new tendency nowadays, shows in which female characters are much cooler than the male characters). Also, I appreciated how the ambiance went totally different from an episode to another. Most of the episodes were either typical action or funny, while some episodes were very serious (like an episode highly influenced by Silent Hill).

There is just a thing that bugged me : what with all these “look forward to next season !” endings recently ? (yeah, I watched “last” episode of Kaze no Stigma a few days earlier)

Well, good thing if THERE IS actually more, not if they just leave the things like that. And I hope too that we won’t have to wait 4 or 5 years for a second season like Gunslinger Girl (and I’m still waiting my School Rumble third semester).

Hime-sama, the blonde princess who have fun slaying monsters with a chain-saw. This scene was particularly awesome. Hime rocks.

Hiro, pretty useless main guy.

Liza Wildman, hot-blooded half-werewolf biker, my favorite of the show. She fights with her big fluffy paws. <3

Flandre, the android child with awesome strength but no feelings. The two episodes that centered on her were great. fuga

Reiri-san, a cool vampire and quite an instigator who only acts in her own interest. She’s dubbed by Mamiko Noto, aka Yakumo from School Rumble.

Reiri-san wants Hime-sama. Well, Hime-sama’s blood, that is.

Liza gets her yuri too, first with a one-episode character.

Then, quite unexpectdly with Reiri-san. And the show suddenly became awesome.

Hime’s little sister, Sherwood-hime (awesome name XD ). The obligatory irritating ojou-sama. Well it was easy to predict that she would fall for the useless Hiro, but it was amusing regardless.

I was both LOL and WTF at this.


On a side note, the show got some awesome ED too.

October 1st, 2007. I’m still alive.
