Tsukasa no Ichizon

Blogged by on Saturday November 28th, 2009 at 12:41 pm in Français, Junk (絵日記) | 3 Comments »

Déjà 3 jours sans posts alors que j’avais enchainé une belle petite série… j’t’ai manqué hein jeune pédé jeune parisien.

Un petit truc vite fait donc, histoire de.

Seitokai no Ichizon feat. Tsukasa.

Faut vraiment que j’attaque une nouvelle colorisation ce week-end…



Puissance 8

Blogged by on Tuesday November 24th, 2009 at 3:31 am in Français, Junk (絵日記) | 1 Comment »

Quand faut faire du post, je m’aperçois que la seule chose que j’ai sous la main ‘en cas d’urgence’ c’est un crayon, une feuille, et ma main hésitante.

Quand Lucky Star rencontre Seiken no Blacksmith. lol Ça m’a pris comme ça…


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Ichigo ga Futatsu

Blogged by on Monday November 23rd, 2009 at 3:30 am in Français, Junk (絵日記) | 1 Comment »

Même rengaine, ‘hommage’ à une série que j’ai terminé très récemment (même si la série en question ne l’est pas) en forme de fournée de portraits vite-faits.

Aujourd’hui : Penguin Musume Heart. Un ONA (anime diffusé directement sur le net) débordant de service et de gags foireux. Après quelques episodes la série a comment dire… ‘grown on me’, et j’ai plutôt bien aimé au final.

Pour Wagaya no Oinari-sama (voir le post ici), où les persos ont la ‘particularité’ d’avoir tous les même yeux et donc à peu près le même visage, il a fallu que je fasse mon possible pour faire que les 3 persos ne se ressemblent pas, sans ‘trahir’ le style d’origine. Ici aussi, la série a un design plutôt ‘particulier’ donc la difficulté a été d’y mettre ma ‘patte’, mais sans trop m’éloigner du design d’origine, en faisant mon possible pour les faire ‘kawaii’, sans y mettre trop de temps non plus vu que ça ne reste que des junkinhos.

Kaede, la petite soeur de Penguin.
J’adore sa voix tellement… peu professionnelle. XD
Après rapide recherche sa seiyuu est une toute jeune seiyuu débutante de 14 ans.
Je dois dire que je suis jamais très chaud pour me lancer dans ce genre de perso au design ‘extravagant’, mais bon vu qu’elle fait partie de mes persos de choix pour cette série…

… Miko !
aka, Nene.
Si vous me dites que je l’ai fait juste pour pouvoir placer cette référence, et bien je vous dirai…
que vous avez pas tout à fait tord. XD

Kuma-san, ou Mary Chupacabra W Whitebear de son petit nom.
Sadique, violente, tyrannique, machiavélique, conspiratrice, asociale, hautaine, égoïste…
… ma préférée quoi <3 <3 <3
J’adorerai être son uke.

Omake time~

Aujourd’hui je fais tout à l’envers puisque les portraits sont censés être les omake des junks de la galerie et pas l’inverse, lol.
Un junkinho que j’ai fait pour ‘souffler’ après tout ces portraits où je me force un peu trop peut-être à être proche du chara-design original sans trop l’être. Ici, j’ai juste balancé mon ‘visage de base’ sur un coin de feuille sans penser à un perso ou une pose. C’est le visage terminé que j’ai enfin pensé à un truc, dans la même veine que le Ryo fait précédemment. La ‘soudaineté’ du truc fait que c’est moyennement ressemblant mais bon… c’était vraiment juste histoire de me changer les idées et pas me prendre la tête, d’où le fait que le post en omake.


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Riichi !

Blogged by on Sunday November 22nd, 2009 at 5:03 pm in Français, Games | 0 Comments »


Riichi ! San’ankou dora san ! Ma toute première main gagnante dans une partie de mahjong. XD

3 pons cachés + 1 chi, 12 000 pts pris à l’Est, puisque c’est elle qui a posée la tuile qui me fallait. Et en plus à une tuile de la fin du tour, coup de bol. XD

Avec ça je suis passé de la dernière à la première place… puis à la main suivante j’ai joué direct dans le riichi de quelqu’un donc j’ai fini second… orz lol Maintenant je connais la pression que ressentent les persos de Saki quand quelqu’un annonce ‘Riichi !’, j’hésitais entre 2 tuiles, j’en pose une et BAM je me fais plumer. XD

Bon je suis loin de connaitre toutes les combi et de comprendre parfaitement la mechanique du jeu, je joue surtout avec ce que je appris de cet anime. Mais ça rend les scènes de mahjong un peu plus intéressante quand on connait un petit peu le déroulement d’une partie.

Ma plus grosse main m’a rapporté 18 000 points, mais la plupart du temps je me fais plumer ou fini avec un tenpai…

Là vu que c’est un jeu, le CPU te prévient quand tu peux faire pon, chi, kan ou riichi. Dans une partie ça doit être chaud de suivre. ^^;

M’enfin bon c’est plus pour pouvoir suivre les scènes de mahjong qui apparaissent dans quasiment tous les manga plutot que pour jouer en live que j’essaie d’apprendre…



Yuffie Valentine

Blogged by on Saturday November 21st, 2009 at 1:14 pm in Français, Junk (絵日記), Zics du moment | 2 Comments »

Zic du moment :
Aki Toyosaki – Miracle Happy Day (Seiken no Blacksmith ED)

Bon bah voilà… Pour célébrer le puissance 4 du mois de Novembre.

Comme toshop et moi c’est pas l’entente cordiale, je me suis rabattu sur quelque chose d’assez simple, comme dit précédemment. Mes yeux ont pas mal soufferts au moment de faire la cape, lol >_<

À retrouver aussi tout en bas de la galerie à la place de l’ancien…



The iDOLM@STER Break ! – vol. 2

Blogged by on Friday November 20th, 2009 at 6:24 pm in English, Manga (spoilers), Others | 0 Comments »

This one came out since a while already, but posting some random scans from it anyway. Read first volume’s article here.


Errr what can I say about it… I dunno, really. I can’t really say that this book filled me with enthusiasm. Cover says everything about the story, but anyway if you’ve heard about the PSP games you could tell what would happen anyway. No development regarding the romance, and the service is still very light and innocent. Only good point about this book : Takane. I’m actually not so familiar with the PSP characters (Hibiki and Takane), but I found her to be the most interesting character so far in this manga. If she gets some nice character development in the next volume she could end up being one of my favs in iM@S.

Not so much <3 to deliver this time, but here are some scans anyway.

The girls have finally acknowledged Yutaro as their producer-san, except Chihaya of course.

During a live performence, Yutaro was nowhere to be seen and didn’t even watch his protégées’ concert. But it was because he was trying to get more people watching the concert. It was enough for turning Chihaya deredere and being acknowledged by her.

The girls from 961 (Kuroi) Prod interrupt the end of the concert.

They’re hawt~
The release of their debut single has been fixed at the same date as the release of the 765 Prod girls’ new single. the war is declared~

Then the author throws some ‘servicey’ interlude chapter without any connection with the above story. Yeah, doesn’t really get any other purpose than that (as you can see from the scan, it was a fully colored chapter in the publisher magazine). I’m gladly welcoming it tho.

Miko Iori & Yayoi~
Why ? Don’t ask~

Obligatory breast measurement scene~
Miki : “Even if you have small breasts I love you, Chihaya-san.”
Mune nante kazari desu. Erai hito ni wa sore ga wakarai no desu.

Random fantasy~

This manga makes us remember that idol is really a shitty job, like in this chapter in which Haruka and Yukiho are asked to sing for 50 secondes in boiling hot water… lol

Takane, who happened to be in the same studio with Hibiki, stops a guy from the staff who was forcing Yukiho to enter into the hot water during the rehearsal before the actual show. Seeing Takane’s GARness, Yukiho became a fan of her, lol.
Me too. XD <3 <3 <3

Yutaro even manages to get a charming smile from the cool Takane thanks to his thoughtfulness and his frankness.
Takane’s smile <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

He even made her being a bit dere.
Way to go, Yutaro ! Let them take Miki and get Takane in exchange. XD

R- RYO !!! XD

A guy from 761 found out that the idols were living together with their producer-san. You know what happen next…

And so this volume ends with Miki joining 761 Prod.~

Well… don’t have any more things to say about it other than everything I’ve said at the begining of this post. Next volume will probably be the last volume, I don’t think iM@S is good enough material for a long manga. Well, maybe it is, but Fujima-sensei kinda fails at making something really entertaining.


Personal Rating :



Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou (manga)

Blogged by on Thursday November 19th, 2009 at 10:50 pm in English, Manga (spoilers), Others | 0 Comments »

Been a while without any random manga posting action. Scans are pilling up and I didn’t have so much time for posting them lately. Anyway, today’s manga post is about the adaptation of an anime from this summer season : Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou.

snapshot20090826234749 snapshot20090912012129 1247435504073

I happened to come across the first volume in the second-hand books some weeks ago, and oh nice coincidence volume 2 got released recently. I think this manga is kinda aimed to people familiar with the novels or the anime. But anyway, here’s a bit about the story for people who doesn’t know it : Koyomi Morishita is a highschool girl who’s often mistaken for an elementary school girl because of her short size and her klutziness. She fails at everything she does, and has hard time finding something she would good at. One day, she finds a flyer about a magic school, and decides to go find that school in order to learn magic, feeling that magic is finally the thing for her. There, she will learn of the existence of ‘Modern Magic’ (magic that can be used by anyone by using computers and codes), and finds out that she has a unique inner ability : she can dispel any code (magic spell) and turns them into metal washtub.

The anime ended not so long ago so this manga sure comes at the perfect time, bringing moar Yumiko-chan, Kaho-chan, Morishita and Misa-san goodness. Again it’s time for <3s delivery, baby. Starting right now.

It starts with random chapters introducing all the characters. Mostly stories we got to see in the anime, such as the story when Moroshita is searching for a lost cat or when hunting ‘ghost’ at school. It gets lovely Yumiko x Morishita moments right in the begining~

Kaho-chan XD

Then it goes chronologically, with Morishita searching for the Anehara school after she saw the flyer.
And her first encounter with Yumiko-chan <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Nice art, I luv Yumiko-chan’s facial expressions a lot in this manga~

Just like in the anime (IIRC), Yumiko attacks Morishita later when she learns she’s Misa-san’s disciple.
During the fight, Morishita’s scarf gets burned. The next day, Yumiko brings a new scarf for her… but Morishita got one already XD
Man those faces of Yumiko-chan are so damn lovely <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

The second half of the book is all about Kaho-chan, and how she actually became friends with Morishita~
Starting with that happy loli Kaho-chan scene they showed in the anime, when she witnesses the ‘Chrismas Shopper’.

Kaho-chan makes her approach on Morishita when she first hears her bringing up ‘(modern) magic’ during a discussion with random classmates. Kaho-chan, who actually doesn’t really believe in magic, tells the others that Morishita is actually talking about programming.

… because when Kaho-chan told her parents about what she saw that day, her parents told her that she was dreaming and that magic doesn’t exist. But still, SHE WANTS TO BELIEVE ! XD and since then she’s been quite obsessed by that song (Daisy Daisy).
M : “Iinchou, do you like that song ?”
K : “!”
M : “Ah sorry, I didn’t want to surprise you. I just wanted to thank you for earlier”
K : “Earlier ?”
M : “Yup. That suprised me when you stepped on my foot, but you lied for me, right ? They would surely think I’m weird, bringing up magic like that…”
K : “What about me ?”
M : “Eh ?”
K : “Didn’t you think that I would find you weird too ?”
M : “Well… Since you know a lot about computers, I thought you had heard about it already. Modern magic…”
K : (Modern Magic ? It was something I had never heard of. I never saw these words even on the internet)

Then she starts sticking to Morishita for learning more about modern magic. Of course, Morishita is always willing to show some magic and make people believe in it…

… and she activates the Chrismas Shopper.

Misa-san appears, and Kaho-chan finally meets with the creator of the Chrismas Shopper~
End of volume 1~

Volume 2 welcomes you with delicious Kaho-chan swimsuit~

Showing various faces too~

Kaho-chan finally gets to witness gendai mahou again when Morishita transforms the Chrismas Shopper code into washtubs.

Kaho-chan’s rare smile~

Kaho-chan’s rare smile (2) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
K : “Morishita, for the second time in my life I’ve been extremely lucky”
M : “Eh ? What ?”
K : “That means I thank you for having shown me something great”
M : “Eh ? W- well then, can I consider you my friend ?” (<< earlier when Misa-san asked to Kaho-chan if she was a friend of Morishita, she said that they were just classmates, awww)
K : “Yes. But, don’t call me iinchou.”
M : “Ok, Kaho-chan !”
<3 <3 <3

After the Kaho-chan arc, it gets non-animated random yet nice chapters.
Such as… onsen chapter ! <3

Morishita accidentally drops everybody’s underwears.
But something is missing…

Yumiko’s pantsu is nowhere to be found ! (Nopan Yumiko-chan… classic ? XD)

But Morishita takes her responsabilities, and does her possible at protecting Yumiko’s ‘privacy’ XD

Sneaking out when everybody’s asleep for finding a convini…

Morishita is found out and has to tell to Yumiko what happened…
Y : “You lost my pantsu… That’s why you were so strange today !”
M : “Uuu I’m sorry Yumiko-chan, because of me you…”
Y : “Raise your head, Koyomi ! I’m not blaming you !”
M : “h- hai…”

……………… KITAAAAAA ! ! ! ! XD

Misa & Kaho : “(haitenai…)” (<that grows up to be one of the lines in anime I like to hear the most XD )
Since it comes from Morishita, Yumiko accepts the pantsu~
M : “Err… this pantsu…”
Y : “It’s a return gift for yesterday. That’s something I’m not wearing anymore so you can have it.”
M : “(which means… USED PANTSU)”
K : “Don’t worry, Morishita. It comes from somebody who doesn’t wear pantsu to begin with so…”
Yumiko is so tsundere for Morishita~
… and W00T FOR NOPAN ! XD
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
On the other hand, I’m pretty sure that Yumiko-chan, even if she never wears pantsu, would be glad to wear Morishita’s used pantsu~

Swimsuits again~
Kaho : is that some Hamzawa-san cosplay ? XD
Anyway, cute~ Just like that SD Kaho-chan on the right~

Morishita is all happy about her ‘new’ adult pantsu, but her classmates continue to consider her as a kid…
but Morishita is well-decided to show them how much of an adult she is, so she decides to find a baito so she can buy more adult underwears ! XD

Yumiko hears the news from Kaho-chan, and decides to go check Morishita’s baito, cause she just can’t leave her alone~
I wub her worrying face a lot~

And there aren’t so much jobs a girl can do in akiba…

Yumiko mistakes that random maid cafe for the Dream (C) Club XD

Not surprisingly, she ends up working there too so she can have an eye on her beloved Morishita~

Not suprisingly again, she sucks at it.

So it doesn’t take long before they get fired XD

Yumiko finally notices her mistake…
Y : “Anyway, I don’t think it’s a good job for you !!” <<< looks so cute <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Seeing how Yumiko is worried about her, Morishita gives up about finding a baito~
Medetashi, medetashi~

Random chapter again, with Morishita getting top grade at an exam thanks to a magical pencil she got from Misa-san… XD

Since Morishita can’t hide the fact that she’s dumb any longer, Yumiko, who’s so thoughtful when it concerns Morishita, prepares a magical room in which the flow of time is magically altered (1 day is worth 1 year)… and she locks Morishita inside for 7 days for studying XD

When she finally goes out from the room, she’s like the super saiyan of studies XD

But you can so tell what happens next… XD

Still with the random chapters, Morishita decides to go in the past by using a ghost script for giving to her loli self the flyer, so she would meet with Misa-san earlier and become a super magician~ XD
Of course, Yumiko is tagging along~

Loli Yumiko appears too~

But again, Morishita wants to show some magic to her loli self and ends up dispelling the ghost script.

But it wasn’t totally in vain, cause the paper she gave to her loli self is actually the paper she found 6 years later, the one which made her to go find Misa-san XD
Medetashi medetashi~

And then I see this :
Final Chapter : Last Days
… wait, WHAAAAAAAAAT ?!?!!!! Already ?! o_o
Where’s all the fights, the drama, that Jean-Jacques jerk and all the stuff about Digitalis and the Sorceress Library ? :o
Dondake… orz
Anyway, last chapter is about Morishita not showing up for several days because of some weird code Misa-san used on her, and of course Yumiko is worried like mad.

That code actually locked Morishita’s ability to transform codes into washtubs.
… and thanks to this, she actually became the most powerful magician ever XD

But at the same time, it caused a change in her personality : she wants to take over the world ! XD

Morishita became deh new Sephiroth and strolls around in town controlling everybody’s mind so she can get everything she wants.

M : “You and me, we can rule the world !”
Kaho-chan’s face in the bottom panel of the right page hurt me… still, I dunno if she’s sad because of what Morishita became, or because she hasn’t been chosen for ruling the world with her XD.

And the manga ends with the inevitable fight between Yumiko and Morishita.
What will happen to Earth ?! The conclusion in volume 2 !
… Wait, that’s actually the reversed final fight of the anime XD

This manga was a nice addition to the anime, since it gets many ‘slice-of-life’ stories we didn’t get in the tv show. But Japan sure knows how to ruin my fun by doing short manga like that. I mean, I was actually expecting this manga to be my regular amount of Gendai Mahou goodness… orz




Blogged by on Wednesday November 18th, 2009 at 3:07 pm in Français, Junk (絵日記) | 2 Comments »

Album du moment :
G.A. Geijutsuka Art Design Class OST – music palette

Déjà une semaine depuis le dernier junk, donc comme faut bien poster un truc bah encore des junkinhos avec les habituels portraits.

Comme d’hab, une série que j’ai terminé y’a pas longtemps : Wagaya no Oinari-sama. Je sais c’est un anime de 2008 mais bon… j’ai vu aucun des anime de l’année dernière. orz Heureusement j’ai mon bro de la belle province qui me fournit quelques séries mais… fuck la vie sans l’internet haut débit orz

Comme j’ai rien à dire sur cette série sympa sans plus et que je suis peu inspiré aujourd’hui, et bien c’est parti…


Mubyou-chan. Mai enje~ru.
Beaucoup trop peu présente dans la série.


Pour ce qui est de Yuffie… Bah comme d’hab ça avance terriblement doucement (mais ça avance quand même). C’est juste que je suxx quoi. Je passe 3 heures sur un truc, et comme au final le résultat est pas super je recommence tout à zéro. Donc devant mes très faible qualité ‘shoppesque’ je dois opter pour un style très simple et une colorisation très ‘anime’.



塗り練習・ユフィ(in progress)

Blogged by on Thursday November 12th, 2009 at 1:46 am in Français, Junk (絵日記), Zics du moment | 3 Comments »

Zics du moments :
Tekken Tag Tournament OST – Ogre Stage (PS2 version)
Yui Horie – JET!

Pizzicato Five – Tout va bien

Ça avance trèèèèès doucement, mais ça avance…


J’ai mis les couleurs de base, reste pu qu’à faire les ombres… le plus important quoi. >_>

Pour je ne sais quelle raison, l’espèce de cape/manteau que j’avais fait à l’époque (moi même je sais pas ce que c’est) est devenue la cape de Vincent.

Ce week-end y’a mon bro qui monte donc ça va pas trop avancer pendant un moment je pense…




Blogged by on Tuesday November 10th, 2009 at 4:10 am in Français, Junk (絵日記), Zics du moment | 5 Comments »

Zics du moment :
Risa Hayamizu – Ride on Time

Asumi Kodama – Koiwoshitemasu

Ai Matayoshi – Glory Days
Ami Koshimizu – Yume Miru Caged Bird

Jusqu’à maintenant, il n’y jamais eu de mec dans ma galerie de junks.

Il était temps que ça change. En plus, on est sur le Chux, merde. Le repaire des barbus, des graisseux et des tatoués. Des poils et du GAR !

Enfin un homme, un vrai, pour vous mesdames…

/me court loin, très loin…
