A Certain Delusional Railgun Post

Blogged by on Friday March 26th, 2010 at 6:10 pm in Anime (spoilers), English, 日本語 | 0 Comments »

“Misaka-san ! What are you looking at right now ?”

“…… Mai Waifu ?”

“Yup, correct~ <3”

「ごめんね、佐天さん… 忘れちゃって…」
“I’m sorry, Saten-san… I forgot…”

「もう 御坂さんったらぁ~… 泣かないで♥
キスしてくれたら許して あ☆げ☆る!」
“Mou, Misaka-san~… Stop crying <3
I’ll forgive you with a kiss~”

“Ok ! I love you, Saten-san !”

「いいなぁ… 女の子同士って…」(CV:寿 美菜子w)
“How nice… girls love…” (CV : Minako Kotobuki XD)

So, I just finished to watch To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. I said it the first time, but again : Index was great, but Railgun was even better.

Well, the thing about Index is that Index-chan quickly ends up being a secondary character, and all the best parts of the show were actually the arcs involving Mikoto, the ‘Misaka Imouto’ and Last Order. So, as much as I love Mikoto, I’d have liked to see more about Index-chan and the whole Church thing.

In Railgun, it’s all about Mikoto and her harem gang, so even if the arcs were not as much ‘intense’ as in Index, it never drifted away from its story and was very nice to watch all along. And man… SATEN-SAN FOR THE ULTIMATE WIN.

Mikoto x Saten date, 3rd time !

lol That was hawt~

This scene was painful yet very lovely…
Some Kuroko x Uiharu is definitely needed~

Saten : (Uiharu, ii nioi ga suru…)

But still, Erii is the one for Uiharu. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I’m really hoping for a second season. <3 <3 <3

Moar Index would be nice too~



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